| Mila Quinones 4 Years |

Mila is 4 years old, how did that happen?!  It feels like just yesterday we were doing her newborn pictures!  We had such a great time last weekend at her session, she had some great ideas, and was ready for anything!  Such an adorable young lady who is already ready to take on the world!  Her Mom and Dad we great helpers in helping me to capture that sweet smile.  All of the cuteness and those curls is just too much to handle, her expressions in that adorable hat to laughing in the alfalfa field!  Miss Mila you are growing so fast and it has been an honor to watch and get to capture these important moments!

Thank you to Marie & Norbert Rohrs for letting us borrow your gorgeous barns and fields!

*All photos and designs are copyright and property of SSRM Designs & Photography, please no copying, cropping, or saving photos.

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